Data input




Enter the coordinates in columns X and Y with one point per line.
All columns after the Y column will be ignored.
Use as columns separator Space, Comma, Semicolon, or Tab. The separator is detected automatically. Different separators in the same data input will cause an error.
The coordinates are represented by integers or real numbers with the dot as decimal point. (e.g. latitude longitude or cartesian coordinates)
Wrong input structure may cause the generation of an invalid dxf file.

Example input data

Use the data below to test the application.

(Check: Create closed polyline & Ignore the first column)
1 0 0
2 0 5
3 5 5
4 5 0

Zig Zag
0 0
1 3
2 0
3 3
4 0
5 3
6 0
7 3
8 0
9 3
10 0
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 11
7 10
8 8
9 6
10 4
11 1
12 0

(Check: Create closed polyline)
Central Park
40.800291, -73.958255
40.800307, -73.958038
40.800401, -73.957870
40.800419, -73.957830
40.800418, -73.957787
40.797052, -73.949784
40.797003, -73.949715
40.796985, -73.949707
40.796848, -73.949706
40.796825, -73.949702
40.796738, -73.949653
40.796656, -73.949561
40.796610, -73.949543
40.796584, -73.949543
40.765078, -73.972541
40.765050, -73.972611
40.765061, -73.972683
40.765156, -73.972898
40.765177, -73.973021
40.765156, -73.973214
40.765075, -73.973367
40.764755, -73.973602
40.764734, -73.973636
40.764724, -73.973699
40.767887, -73.981194
40.767913, -73.981223
40.767952, -73.981228
40.768149, -73.981219
40.768288, -73.981272
40.768402, -73.981361
40.768460, -73.981426
40.768488, -73.981443
40.768526, -73.981442
40.768563, -73.981421
40.800278, -73.958284
Mediterranean Sea line
(Uncheck: Create closed polyline)
35.950500, -5.580661
36.008939, -4.586425
36.070295, -2.469996
36.689398, -0.707860
37.517547, 1.120839
38.079089, 3.787155
38.077953, 8.290511
37.727632, 11.122191
37.016720, 12.289887
36.004837, 13.721982
34.943768, 16.670451
34.267798, 22.069409
33.518386, 26.528775
33.293540, 30.422932
33.366219, 34.996779